HomeThe Actor's CraftCharacter and Archetypes — Part 3

Myths are the world’s dreams. They are archetypal dreams and deal with great human problems. Myths and dreams come from the same place. They come from realizations of some kind that then have to find expression in symbolic form. – Joseph Campbell

Protectors! These are the Archetypes that we explore in our Toronto acting school to protect the actor from accessing vulnerabilities, from exposing shadow parts or any part the actor fears will bring judgement or humiliation. Some protector archetypes we learn about in acting classes are The Rational Mind, The Perfectionist, The Judge, The Pleaser, The Pusher, The Saboteur.

In the image, an actor in our Toronto acting school learns to let go of her Protector and relax into a vulnerable state of being

In the image, an actor in our Toronto acting school learns to let go of her Protector and relax into a vulnerable state of being

Without truly understanding how the psyche works; actors will erroneously try and get rid of their protectors in order to access what they need for their roles. It is not really possible to get rid of energy. This is a scientific fact. Energy can be transformed but it cannot be destroyed. Therefore what we learn about in our acting classes is actually what happens in the psyche when actors attempt this.  The Protectors go underground until they get really threatened and they resurface with a vengeance at a later date. Either that or the actor in acting operates above their protectors and “ACTS” rather than coming from the Truth of what is beneath the protectors.

The way to work with your protectors in our school of acting is to get to know them, embrace them and work with them to help them to relax and give you space for your acting work. This way, you  the actor, are truly gaining access to places in your psyche and  imagination that were otherwise inaccessible.

Actors in our acting school learn to never by-pass a protector. Your protections or defenses were put in place early in your life for a very important reason….your survival. Therefore, they play a valuable role in helping you remain safe in the work and in your life.

Sometimes protectors just need a little help recognizing that they are no longer living in the past where the real threat was. You can guide them towards integration in your acting work through Ground and Centre Awareness and in doing so bring them into present time.

Our Toronto actors learn that by working with these archetypes or personal parts of you, they begin to recognize that the role they were playing is no longer necessary and they become open to change their role. Through the protector’s connection to you in Ground & Centre Awareness, they may simply be able to distinguish real threat from irrational threat and learn to relax.

Most importantly, in our acting classes you learn your protectors need gratitude. They need to know you recognize the role they have played in your life. And even though they seem to be getting in the way of your acting work, they are really just trying to protect you from getting hurt again. They care about you and they need to know you care about them. This in turn is the road to self-acceptance.

I would like to acknowledge among others who have influenced me, Eric Morris, for making me aware of  sub-personalities. Many of my ideas on Archetypes come from Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell as well as  several years of training based on Hal and Sidra Stones work on Sub-personalities as well as Richard Schwartz’ work on Internal Family Systems.

All characters exist inside of you because you are connected to the “Collective Unconscious”. You are enough!
Believe in that…….

Here is a list of books on the subject of Archetypes:

  • The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell or pretty much anything by Joseph Campbell.
  • The Actor with a Thousand Faces by Mark Olsen
  • Creating a Character by Mark Olsen.
  • Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World by Carol S. Pearson
  • Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche by Marie-Louise von Franz
  • Gods in Every Woman: Powerful Archetypes in Women’s Lives by Jean Shinoda Bolen
  • Gods in Every Man: by Jean Shinoda Bolen
  • Acting and Singing with Archetypes by Janet B. Rodgers and Frankie Armstrong
  • Complete Writer’s Guide to Heroes and Heroines: Sixteen Master Archetypes by Tami D. Cowden ,  Caro Lafever , Sue Viders

Cindy Tanas Actors Studio teaches acting classes for Theatre and Film in Toronto and the GTA, Collingwood and Southern Georgian Bay.