Acting and Emotion

Acting and Emotion

“A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them.”– Carl Jung Definition of passion… “strong and barely controllable emotion.” A HEALTHY APPROACH TO ACTING Acting students will often say to me “I need my...
What The Actor Needs

What The Actor Needs

If there is anything I have learned from my students it is this: Fear is the enemy of the creative spirit. Only a space held in love can set creativity free. Humiliation, domination, and interference are tools the egoic and insecure director or acting teacher resorts...
Inspired Acting

Inspired Acting

The word Inspiration means “to breathe in”. When we breathe in or take in with awareness, we become receptive and we connect to the body. We are ready to “act”. We will feel the impulse to act because we are connected to the body. We are inspired to act. With only the...