“Cindy Tanas is, in every sense of the word, a teacher. This goes beyond the realm of acting. I don’t only recommend her as an acting teacher, but as a life teacher. Whatever blocks you have as an actor, you inevitably have as a person. Whether in an online acting class or in person, Cindy releases these actor blocks and creates within you the power to go deeper and be more truthful and freer in your acting than you knew was possible. She does not simply refine you as an actor, she propels you into new levels. Cindy works with all levels, and I have witnessed already brilliant actors have breakthroughs of such dramatic proportions that I could not believe it. Every acting class is so rich, that there is never a time you aren’t feeling yourself grow. “Intense” is the word that comes to mind. There is an energy in her acting studio that nurtures and protects while simultaneously exposing you in a state of such raw truth that it is nothing short of beautiful. I cannot imagine anyone in any creative field not benefitting from her online acting classes or her in person acting classes. They are an investment in your life, one that pays out long term, both personally and professionally. Having studied with many other acting teachers and acting coaches I can honestly say that I had never experienced anything like her acting classes, her acting approach is unique, her passion contagious. If you want to be a great actor, this is for you, if you want to be a great writer, this is for you, if you want to be a great dancer, this is for you, if you want to be great, period, this is for you! I wish everyone I knew could take just one of her classes. They are not just acting classes, they are personal awakenings. Anyone who has benefited from taking Cindy Tanas’ acting class will have an edge to their work that will separate them from the rest, that is certain.”
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Laura Lee Lawrence
Improv Theatre / Toronto Musical Improv Festival